Psychological Therapy

We may consider having therapy for many different reasons. We perhaps feel we are not coping well with life or an area of our life such as relationships or work. Or we have suffered a loss or trauma and don't seem to be able to move forward. We may be experiencing depression, high anxiety, burn out, an addiction problem and want help to understand what has led to this and what we can do about it. Sometimes we feel we are in self-destruct mode but don't know how to break out of these patterns. Many of us are just not sure why we feel, think and behave the way we do and want or need the opportunity to try and understand ourselves more in a safe, non-judgemental environment where we can reflect, and explore ways to feel more content and satisfied with our lives.



"At times I feel intense feelings of sadness, loss, and insecurity about myself as a person, my future and those around me. Having had CAT therapy with Beckie I am now able to notice and own those feelings, understand where they come from and make choices about how I treat myself. With Beckie's kind, warm nature, thoughtful insights and compassion I felt safe to understand my interactions with others and explore new ways of being. I now feel more able to ask for help when I need it, more honest with others and more able to care for myself when I need to. I will be eternally grateful for this life changing experience. Thank you Beckie."

Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)


Is CAT for me?

  • Do you find yourself making the same mistakes in life, time and time again? Like starring in different films but with similar scripts?
  • Do you feel you get caught up in “vicious circles” especially in relationships?
  • Do you question if some of the decisions you make in life seem to sabotage your success and happiness?
  • Do you wonder if some of the ways you learnt to cope when you were younger are perhaps not helping you now, but you don’t know what to do about it?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then CAT may well be of benefit to you.


What to expect from Cognitive Analytic Therapy?

CAT will help identify and understand the patterns that emerged in relating to others, yourself and the world as a way of coping during your early life. You will see how these patterns (procedures) may now be unhelpful, be getting in the way of change and be connected to the problems that led you to seek help through therapy. This will be the focus of the first few sessions through an exploration of your life history and experiences.

Once these patterns have been identified and understood you will be encouraged to notice and recognise how they occur in your daily life and relationships outside of the sessions, and we will explore how you might begin to “soften” and revise the patterns. Your resources and strengths will be valued and built upon and together with the insights and skills you gain, the aim will be that you feel more empowered to continue making changes when the therapy has ended.


Cognitive Analytic Therapy:

  • Is time-limited, usually 16 - 24 (weekly) sessions, with a 1 month follow up. This will be agreed with you after the initial consultation.
  • Is cognitive in that it makes full use of your ability to observe and think about yourself, your assumptions, your feelings and your behaviour.
  • Is analytic in that unacknowledged, unconscious factors are explored and worked with, and their impact is recognised. In addition, the therapist-client relationship is understood and used to help bring about insights in other relationships you have.
  • Is integrated in that a cohesive body of theory has been developed with a unique understanding of personality and development. It emphasises the interplay between thought processes, feelings, actions and consequences.
  • Is an effective way of developing self-awareness and personal development with a growing body of research and evaluation.
  • Focuses on your capacity for self-help and develops resources for understanding and changing your unhelpful coping procedures.

Please go to the Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy website which provides a more in depth overview of CAT and what to expect from therapy

Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy?

“Occupational therapy uses purposeful activity and meaningful occupation as therapeutic tools to promote health and wellbeing” Health Professions Council (

Or more simply – Occupational Therapy can empower you to do the things you want and need to do, as independently as possible. This includes all aspects of life activities, such as work, study, leisure, relationships, and looking after yourself; and encompasses the roles that you have or would like to have such as employee, student, manager, son, partner, lover, house-husband, sports woman, artist and carer.

Occupational Therapy is client centred and evidence-based. It is also holistic in the sense that it looks at the whole person and considers their physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and economic needs. 

The focus and length of therapy will depend upon the problems that led you to seek help and what you are hoping to achieve. This will be negotiated with you after your first session.

It may focus on:

  • Building on existing strengths and resources, such as communication, time management, problem solving skills.
  • Learning new coping skills  for e.g. to manage pain, fatigue, anxiety, low mood.
  • Adapting or changing aspects of your life and environment to achieve and maintain a more healthy balance, structure and support system.

Stress Reduction

“Stressors” are the external demands of life or the internal attitudes or thoughts we have about the past, present or future. “Stress” is the effect of the stressors on our bodies and minds. A certain amount of stress is good for us and can help us to achieve our goals. Sometimes however, the way we respond to stressors can cause physical and emotional problems especially if the growing stress is not addressed over a long period of time. Some of us are more sensitive to stress and need to be even more mindful of learning ways of managing and minimising the stressors in our lives.

That the birds of worry and care fly above your head, this you cannot change. But that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent!” Chinese Proverb

Beckie offers 1:1 sessions which will be tailored to meet individual needs. The sessions will help you to identify your stressors, and will provide practical ways of improving your coping strategies. This could include - managing the physical stress response through learning relaxation and breathing techniques, developing a new relationhsip with your thoughts, or learning time management and assertiveness skills. The amount of sessions required will be negotiated with you after your first session.

Beckie can also provide Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshops and training to meet the needs of your organisation.


All information is treated in the strictest confidence. The only time there would be a professional obligation to share information with a relevant professional is if there is a serious concern that you are at risk to yourself or others. This would be discussed with you if the need arose. Please note that you will be asked for the contact details of your GP before your initial consultation.

Initial consultation

You will have the opportunity to outline the problems that have led you to seeking therapy and what you are hoping to achieve from it. You will be making a time and financial commitment so it is important that you ask questions and raise any concerns you may have. If Beckie feels that the therapeutic approach you have chosen may not be the most suitable she will discuss the reasons with you and provide information about other possible courses of action you could consider.

Please contact

If you would like to arrange an initial consultation for C.A.T, occupational therapy or stress reduction,

“click here”